dowsing water, noble minerals, oil/gas fields, geopathic stress using advanced map dowsing

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For further information concerning the latest updates for 2024 concerning finding water in Thailand please click on “HOME” at the top of this page which will direct you to the main website concerning water including videos.

water             Please see latest water references below click here

These two videos (& reference) below are showing you the latest success for a borehole that I located earlier this year for a caravan park in North Wales using my remote map surveying and a site visit to firm up my findings. The flow rate of 9 gallons per minute was recoverable out of 18 gallons per minute which I predicted when doing my remote map surveying and which the client was very happy with and has given me permission to show you on my website what can be achieved by remote surveying and a site visit.


DV Haysom Reference

This photograph shows you the most successful borehole drilled recently in the UK.

Bore hole depth
Water at 70 and 160 feet
Liner to 160 feet
Depth of hole 265 feet
Pump at 245 feet
3 gallons per minute.

This what I quoted to the Client by doing a remote map survey from home using google earth and then went on site to mark out the location of the water source and then drillers drilled that location and got the quantity of water I had quoted.

So far in 2018 I have successfully located 30 water locations for drilling in the UK.



I was first asked to locate a water leak in a school in Llanidloes over twelve months ago and as you can see from the reference above dated November 2016 they have now at last located the water leak in the place where I had marked it out by remote map surveying and a site visit to firm up my findings. My first task was to work remotely on a map of the school and the piping system to check and find where the water flowing, after this I then went on site and spent several hours checking the area until I was satisfied with the right spot using following my remote surveying findings as the school was quite some size as it would have been difficult and time consuming if I had not done a remote map survey first. As you can see from the reference the school has now managed to save around £10,000 per year thanks to the leak being located through map surveying.

School Reference

This project was interesting because I have never been to the site in Sicily, Italy. This work was done remotely by remote map surveying. The google earth map shows two lines crossing which are two streams going in different directions. The three blue markers representing two flow aquas at different levels beneath the ground. The two blue markers to the north are at the crossing going between the two flows and the blue marker to the south is the one of interest as I had predicted a depth of 35 meters extending to 37 meters and a small flow rate of one gallon per minute and a pH 6.8. On the large scale map you will see where the two flows cross run coming from the south moving north you will see a black spot on one of the streams, this is where the client in the letter above confirmed where they hit the water at 32 meters, and this is the place which I had marked out with the remote map survey where the water would be and I was only 3 meters out on depth, which is not bad considering I have not even visited the site. What this does it shows you what can be achieved by remote map surveying. Having said that I always say to the client that remote map surveying is only a guide and a site visit is always recommended to firm up my findings.





Peter gives a few tips and hints on water dowsing...

if you enjoyed this video, there are three more to watch here


Take a look at these photo diaries of recent dowsing assignments...
Drilling at Clun 2013

Drilling in Belfast 2012
Of particular interest is the Belfast site where so much water was found that wells rather than boreholes had to be used in order to be able to let the water flow unrestricted.
Drilling through clay 2012

Drilling at Corwen 2013



Please have a look at the above photographs which fade in and out. These are of different sites in South Wales, North Wales and Shropshire of successful boreholes done over the years. I take these photographs to prove my ability in finding water.

No dowser /diviner should ever try and guarantee 100% a successful location because there are to many things that can happen which are out of the dowser/diviner's control. This is why I try and take photographs of the locations where I have made a site visit.

Up to date I have now completed 1,070 successful borehole and springs to date and now have 32 years experience.



   Dowsing for Water - site visit 2008


Are you thinking of drilling a well?click here
for the questions you must ask your driller first...


2009 Llansilin - the challenge - to find three borehole sites for clients living less than a quarter of a mile apart. Each borehole had to take from a source of water discreet from the other two so as not to detract from each others flow. Find out how Peter fared here

from this....
site at Llansilin marked out by dowsing
to this
water gushing from new borehole

Dowsing for Abenbury Natural Mineral Water

In 1998 water diviner Peter Taylor was approached by a major soft drinks company to locate "sweet" water (drinkable) .  He found 25,000 litres per hour and even today, more than a decade later; it still produces 25,000 litres per hour.

You can read the full story here (includes references and photographs)


Peter has won many awards over the years for his dowsing including the covetted Roy Talbot award, he is on the professional register of dowsers for water, natural resources, concealed site features and archeology

A few more satisfied customers...

Reference D Haysom




Water Dowsing Reference

Water Dowsing Reference



Water Dowsing Reference

To: Peter Taylor Global Discovery

Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 6:22 PM

Subject: Reference


Dear Peter Taylor,

We would just like to thank you for the work you carried out for us in relation to the water divineing information, to enable us to plan the best site for our borehole.

We were delighted with the results you obtained for us, and the volume of good drinking water obtained.

We were told we would have to pay, regardless of whether the drilling company were successfurl or not, which was a worry, and felt more confident to proceed with your expertise alongside for us.

Thank you again.




These original references have had identifying information such as names and addresses removed to protect confidentiality.