During the past
six months I have been researching ways of how to control radon gas and
to see if there was a way of deflecting or moving radon gas from a
critical area to a safe area. Not always possible if there is heavy
population or buildings but in some cases it is possible. My client has
the latest technology machine which gives the readings of radon gas on
the property and yes radon ags can go very high and go very low, it is
never stable. What I wanted to try and do was to bring it down from a
high reading to a low reading and within the safety margins that is
recognised as safe and the challenge for me is to keep at a safe level
at all times. To do this I have had to check the radon gas area firstly
by remote survey of the site to see if there is radon gas at the
property in question also to find out what symptoms may be occurring
with the people living in the property to see if there is any
connection. So far I have managed to move the radon gas from A to B but
not far enough away so my trials are still on going and I am making
further site visits.
This is what
you need to know before your Proceed to Try and Control Radon Gas
Before you venture
on any projects like this you must make sure that you understand
and read up and be trained on radon gas or detrimental energies so that
you are fully aware of the risks and what causes radon gas and what can
be done to protect your home and property. Once you have picked up the
radon gas with your remote surveying and you have drawn it out with
coloured crayons following your personal colour code ( you need to
experiment what colour code suits you personally for dealing with radon
gas via remote surveying) to yourself on the Google earth map you then
go to the site and then mark it out with surveyor flags indicating the
direction that it is going, where it is coming from and going to on the
property, and also the width of the radon gas, this way we then know the
direction it is taking. Very often the colour code affects the numbers
and bringing the numbers down nearer to the safe region. Once this is
completed we then have to find a way of intercepting the radon gas on
site and deflect it from the building.
My trials are
still ongoing but I am fairly confident that we will complete and find
out the answer and reduce or deflect the radon gas from the property
which would then help the health of the people living in it.
As far as I am aware
no one has managed to succeed in moving the radon gas from area to
Further updates will follow once the trials
have been completed later this year and we are satisfied that we have
managed to deflect the radon gas and push the boundaries of research.
If anyone is interested in learning the art of
geopathic stress and locating radon gas or changing or transforming
detrimental energies from bad energies into energies I take teaching
classes on this subject. Please contact me via telephone or email for
further information.